The Grotto

Map of The Grotto

Location within Thunderhead Peaks

In Guild 2 players begin by creating a character, customizing their features, and assigning a class and profession such as craftsman, rogue, alchemist, and more. The object of the game is to build an empire by utilizing the skills the character has. Tier 2 equipment is gained at Deer rank (rank 10) and so on – with the resulting salvage materials being of the same tier as the item salvaged. Legendary Weapons. Legendary weapons are the ultimate undertaking in Guild Wars 2, requiring huge amounts of time, skill, luck and coin in order to obtain. The Guild II: Renaissance General Discussions Topic Details. Vuyek Oct 4, 2014 @ 10:34am. Buy a pub and get the gambling table, bet everything, everytime,. CHINESE MOTHER-OF-PEARL ETCHED GAMBLING CHIP 2 1/8-INCH. Item Number: 5000-66727 Item ID: 659886 Category: WEB. Ecto gambling is an unofficial term used by player to refer to one of three methods of spending globs of ectoplasm on random rewards. Specifically: Destabilized Ectoplasm, which can be purchased from Tarrktun and related NPCs in various amounts, commonly as Globs of Destabilized Ectoplasm for 250 & 100.

Thunderhead Peaks
(Shiverpeak Mountains)
Connects to
Thunderhead Keep (E)
The Weeping Crest (S)
Deldrimor Ruins (SE)
The Auditorium (SW)
The Forge (W)

The Grotto is an area within Thunderhead Peaks. It serves as the staging area of the Pact and their allied forces for the upcoming battle with the Elder DragonKralkatorrik.

  • 2NPCs

Locations and objectives[edit]

Renown Heart
Ready your forces for the assault on Kralkatorrik — (80)
Points of Interest
Barracks —
Deldrimor Cellars —
Grand Lyceum —
Path of the Exalted —
The Grotto Vista —
Mastery Insights
Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Ironhammer Crossing
Help Logan, Canach, and Rytlock train Corsairs (80)







Ambient creatures

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Whispers Creator:Whole platoon of heathens. Inconsiderate. Rude. Coldhearted bastards...
Whispers Creator:Hardly a swallow left. Sun wasn't even up.
Whispers Creator:Were they raised by ettins? Who drinks it all and doesn't make a new pot?!
Whispers Creator:Courage runs of caffeine, people!
Ash Legion Scout:Gloria, you've got to eat something. Just a little bit? For me?
Ash Legion Scout:We didn't come all this way just to give up now, girl. Please...
Ash Legion Scout:Don't leave.
Gorrik:Inventories... I'm good at inventories. Numbers. Logic. Cheering up soldiers... Agh—Commander, you can do that, right?
Gorrik:Numbers. Numbers are controllable. Quantities of oil. Battalions of soldiers. Minutes left until...until...
Gorrik:It's so frustrating to calculate probabilities for improbable, uncontrollable, ancient forces! Nyeh! Let me try again...
Gorrik:Running a barracks can't be that different from symbolic problems in abstract dynamics.
Gorrik:I mean, I know it's different. But how different could it be?
Gorrik:Don't mind me. I'll just stand here. Doing all the work.
Gorrik:This would be so much easier if they just. Stopped. Getting. Injured!
Gorrik:There are too many things to do and not enough hours to do them in! The math just doesn't work! Can you assist me?
Irwen:Scouting report's ready, Commander. Whenever you want it.
Irwen:Got some information if you want it, Commander.
Pact Soldier [Discouraged]:Hope the captain doesn't catch me crying...
Pact Soldier [Discouraged]:No hope. Not for any of us.
Pact Soldier [Discouraged]:I should've just stayed in my bunk today.
Pact Soldier [Discouraged]:Always thought I'd die at sea.
Pact Soldier [Discouraged]:This is bad. This is really bad.
Vigil Marksman:(laughs)
Vigil Marksman:With spears!
Vigil Marksman:(manic giggles that devolve into sobs)

The Guild 2 Gambling Table

Pact Nurse:If only I had more hands...
Thirsty Pact Soldier:Got any water?
Thirsty Pact Soldier:Any water elementals I could kill for a drink?
Thirsty Pact Soldier:Anyone got a drink?
Thirsty Pact Soldier:Got a drink for a dried up husk?
Thirsty Pact Soldier:Booze? Water? Booze?
Thirsty Pact Soldier:All this ice around us, and no drinking water...'
Thirsty Pact Soldier:If I had water...I could tell beautiful you are...
Vigil Warmaster: Shocked to see you highborns join us grunts. How're you liking the fancy accommodations? Beds cushy enough for ya?
Vigil Recruit:Quite honestly, I can't complain.
Vigil Warmaster:Oh, really? Rowdy roughnecks and unwashed peasants are better than down pillows and servants?
Vigil Recruit:It's an honor to serve the Pact. Besides, it's too quiet at home now that everyone's dead.
Vigil Recruit:My dearest Heba. I found the flower bracelet you hid in my rucksack. I wore it the entire march north.
Vigil Recruit:I think it will bring me luck tomorrow... No. I shouldn't say that. What if I die? She'll think it's her fault.
Vigil Recruit:Be good. Be brave. Say your prayers. And listen to Uncle Zahi.
Vigil Recruit:See yo– Remember that Mommy loves you very much. Always and forever.
In the pit
Canach:Oh, hello there, Commander. Gambling is legal in Elona, you know.
Canach:Care to guess the outcome, Commander?
Canach:Step up! Step up! Place your bets!
Canach:Team Furball? Or Team No Fun at Parties? Only one way to tell!
Tournament Organizer:Have at it!
Tournament Organizer:And...fight!
Rytlock Brimstone:That's right.
Rytlock Brimstone:My soldiers will eat yours alive.
Logan Thackeray:Good lock to the both of us, old friend!
Logan Thackeray:Yeah? At least I CAN count!
At the Grand Lyceum, an irritated soldier pursuing an infatuated spider
Whispers Initiate:I will end you.
Whispers Initiate:The ground take your blood!
Whispers Initiate:Your time will come.
At the Deldrimor Cellars
Vigil Recruit (1):The greatest threat the world has ever known approaches, and we're guarding barrels.
Vigil Recruit (2):Uh... Yeah. About that. I might not have heard the sarge perfectly...
Vigil Recruit (2):What?! She could crush me just by breathing on me! I wasn't about to ask her to repeat herself.
Vigil Recruit (1):If we end up on latrine duty, I'm pushing you in.
Upon offering aid in the form of water to thirsty soldiers
Vigil Marksman: It's not booze, but...I'll take it.
Vigil Tactician: Thanks for that, Commander.
Vigil Marksman: Aw, thanks. Don't suppose you're packing any lunches in that bag, are you?
Vigil Marksman: Oh, just in time!
Vigil Tactician: Thanks for that, Commander.
Vigil Marksman: Ahhh.
Using Inspire on individual discouraged Pact Soldiers
<Character name>: Either Kralkatorrik ends the world, or we end him.
<Character name>: I believe in you. Completely.
<Character name>: It's hard to keep fighting, but I know you have it in you.
(if asura)
<Character name>: Our progeny will tell stories about what we did here.
(if charr)
<Character name>: Cubs will tell stories about what we did here.
(if human)
<Character name>: Our children will tell stories about what we did here.
(if norn)
<Character name>: Descendants will sing of our deeds here.
(if sylvari)
<Character name>: Future generations will remember what we did here.
Using Rally Group on groups of discouraged Pact Soldiers
(to the Corsairs)
<Character name>: Listen up, you glassy-eyed dolyaks! I want you ready! I want you hungry! Today we're gonna shish kebab a dragon!
(to the Vigil)
<Character name>: Eyes up! The Pact's got one job today: putting an end to Kralkatorrik. Let's not keep him waiting!
(to the Olmakhan)
<Character name>: Remember, you fight for your farms. Your fish. A peaceful life. If that's not worth fighting for, what is?
(to the norn)
<Character name>: Remember, if we save the world, we'll have ourselves a grand celebration. Drinks on Braham!
(to the Ash/Iron/Blood charr)
<Character name>: What's wrong with you? Pick yourselves up! Are you the Ash, Iron, and Blood Legions, or are you a book club?
Veteran Ash Legion Captain: What's a book club?


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Crafting resources[edit]

Resource nodes
/ Rich Mithril Vein
Orichalcum Ore


  • At the release of All or Nothing, the area included Flame Legion Saboteurs among Pact forces despite there having been no indication of Flame Legion joining the Pact beforehand. These NPCs were replaced with Blood Legion Soldiers, Ash Legion Scouts and Ash Legion Spies in an unannounced change in the 11th January 2019 patch.
AreasDeldrimor Ruins • Dredgeways • Dwarven Catacombs • Hundar Pike • Ice Floe • Symphony's Haven • The Auditorium • The Forge • The Grotto • The Howling Cliffs • The Weeping Crest • Thunderhead Keep
Renown HeartsHelp the Priory with their excavations • Help the cold and hungry dredge • Rally the Pact soldiers, corsairs, and Zephyrites • Ready your forces for the assault on Kralkatorrik
Mastery InsightsBrechnar's Gauntlet • Niles • Shattered Bay • Ironhammer Crossing • Sorrow's Cave
AdventuresIce Floe Magnet Run • Thunderhead Keep Volatile Delivery
AchievementsDwarven Room Raider • The Master of Music • Thunderhead Peaks Treasure • DailiesMore...
Meta eventsThe Oil Floes • Thunderhead Keep
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Guild Wars 2 Grendich Gamble jumping puzzle guide with detailed explanations and video walkthrough. Grendich Gamble is a jumping puzzle in the middle of Disessa Plateau, a level 15-25 starter zone for the Charr race. The jumping puzzle itself is fairly short and rather easy.

Puzzle start

Head to the Blasted Moors Waypoint roughly in the middle of Diessa Plateau. The puzzle is just directly north of it on top of a building.

Puzzle walkthrough

The Guild 2 Gambling No Deposit

Head to the right once you are below the building and you will find a place where you can climb up some rocks up.Once you are up, go around the building and find a staircase that you can climb.

You will need to make a side jump here.

After you get up top, you will need to make these jumps.

And when you get to the final wood beam, you will need to make a long jump here.

Run around to the other side and make these jumps. When you are on the 2nd wooden beam, just jump to the stone floor.