Of course, as with all casino table games, Ultimate Texas Hold’em provides the casino with a slight edge. However, the house edge is just 2.2% of your initial ante, or about 0.5% of your total bets, meaning that walking away a winner is very possible. Try out LeoVegas’ Ultimate Texas Hold’em. Looking for more casino game guides and articles? Every poker-based game seems to offer at least one side bet, and Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em is no exception. A popular offering is “Trips.” It pays based on the poker value of the player’s final hand. Four pay tables are known. The following table shows what each hand pays under each pay table, and the house edge.

The main bet in UTH has a 2.81% house edge. Texas Hold’em is a game where better players have a theoretical advantage. While optimal play in Ultimate Texas Hold’em, it means you can lower the house edge to 2.81%, it does not assure winning. Betting 4x When Holding 2-2: Many players make the 4x bet anytime they receive a pair. How to Win Ultimate Texas Hold'em; Trips Bet Payout. At the lower right cell, you can see a 2.185% house edge per ante bet. For instance, if you initially place a. Ultimate Texas Hold'em offers an optional trips bet. The trips bet must be made in addition to the ante & blind bets. It cannot be made alone. The trips bet pays based on the player's final hand. Chartwell offer the highest common paytable option with a 1.90% house edge.

6 votes (40%)
7 votes (46.66%)
2 votes (13.33%)

15 members have voted

Also in the poll do you play the trips bet
The Wiz has it already, and it depends on the paytable.
I have only played the game live once and did not play that bet, so I voted No.
I don't do side bets, I said 'No'.
Someday, joor goin' to see the name of Googie Gomez in lights and joor goin' to say to joorself, 'Was that her?' and then joor goin' to answer to joorself, 'That was her!' But you know somethin' mister? I was always her yuss nobody knows it! - Googie Gomez
Sometimes I play it, sometimes I don't. But I never bounce back and forth during a session. It's either every hand, or none at all.
The only casino near me that spreads it has the dreaded Table 4 for the sidebet, with an edge >6%. Boooo.
TripsSo I voted no. I love that game, among all carnival games. I love playing crazy gambler when I push all in (well, 4x) with Q 3 s. They all look at me funny. People play that game so poorly, no wonder they play the trips. Probably has a lower effective edge.
Wisdom is the quality that keeps you out of situations where you would otherwise need it

Also in the poll do you play the trips bet

There are very few places that still offer table 1, but if they do, you should play it, as it is the lowest HA bet on that layout. Since it will get lumped in with your other bets on the table, it will also help with your comps. The only places I've ever seen Table 1 were at Bally's Las Vegas (where I think it's been removed), MGM Detroit (where I've been told it was removed), and Southland Park on the 'live' table.
I like UTH, but I won't play the game unless the table is either 1 or 2. I'm also very vocal if I see table 4 at a casino, because that's just ridiculous.
'One out of every four people are [morons]'- Kyle, South Park

Ultimate Texas Holdem Trips Bet House Edge Casino

I play 1/2 my ante. I hate a push when the dealer doesn't qualify, so I'd rather win 1/2 my play than just push. I don't understand players who put 2x or 3x more on the trips than their ante. You can win the hand yet lose money. To me it doesn't make sense.
'They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.'-Ben Franklin
Bally's did indeed remove it. Santa Fe Station in North Las Vegas also has paytable #1. I play the sidebet about 1 out of every 25 sessions.
'Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe.' -Rig Veda 10.34.4

Ultimate Texas Holdem Trips Bet House Edgewater
