POKER DERBY January 5, 2008. Mountain Motor Inn, Stony Mountain. For info call Troy 795-5240. Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups - Poker Derby (rain Date Sept 15/19) Registration 10-11am at Marion Hotel 393 Marion St. Stops in Selkirk, Lac du Bonnet Beausejour and Final Stop at Frantz Motor Inn, Steinbach. All Motorcylclists welcome. For info call Doug 204-268-5406 or email × × × ×. Derby Donation - Interlake Snowtrackers say thank you to STARS On January 28th, 2017, the Interlake Snow Trackers hosted a poker derby at Chudd's Power Sports. To show their appreciation for the incredible work STARS accomplishes every day in our province, all after-payout proceeds were donated to STARS.

End Time
Weekly Events
11:00 AM
Every Sunday Morning

St. Michael's Church Mass every Sunday morning at 11:00 AM

Please call 444 - 2248 for more information.

10:30 AM
Every Sunday Morning

Immaculate Conception Church Divine Liturgy Service every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. All services in english.
See the website calendar of events for info on catechism times and other church events.

Please call Gerry (444 - 2615) for more information.

9:00 AM
Every Sunday Morning

Garson Roman Catholic Sacred Heart Parish Mass every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM

Please call 444 - 2248 for more information.

Previous Events
Dinner & Show
Saturday, Feb 29, 2020
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deacon Morris Kowalchuk Memorial
Snowmobile Poker Derby Ride
10:00 AM, Sat, Feb 15th, 2020


Deacon Morris Kowalchuk Memorial
Snowmobile Poker Derby Ride
10:00 AM, Sat, Feb 16th, 2019

Cooks Creek
Community Centre

Sat, Sept 22nd, 2018
1:00 pm to Midnight
Raise The Roof

Cooks Creek
Heritage Museum

46th Annual
Heritage Day

Sunday, Aug 26th, 2018
Noon to 5:00 PM

Cooks Creek
Community Centre

Sat, Aug 18th, 2018
6:00 pm to Midnight

Wing Night

Medieval Festival

July 27th & 28th, 2018


July 7th
, 2018

Deacon Morris Kowalchuk Memorial
Snowmobile Poker Derby Ride
10:00 AM, Sat, Feb 17th, 2018

Poker Derby Manitoba 2018 Results

Harvest Homecoming
Sept 4th, 2011.
It was a HUGE SUCCESS ! Many thanks to all who volunteered and coordinated this superb event.
Click on the following link for some pictures posted by people who attended the event.

A total of 257 entries were made in the 2018 Card Player Poker Tour Derby Lane $1,000 no-limit hold’em main event, easily surpassing the $200,000 guarantee to build a final prize pool of $243,379. In the end, the lion’s share of that money was awarded to eventual champion Steve Collins of Tallahassee, Florida. The 59-year-old manager and amateur poker player earned $57,444 as the champion of this event, as well as 408 Card Player Player of the Year points. Poker is a serious hobby for Collins, who has been playing for around five years now. This was by far the biggest score of his live tournament career.

Collins came into the final day of this event in thirteenth chip position with 34 players remaining. He survived to the final table, and then managed to win several massive pots to take the outright lead. The first key hand started when Tampa Bay area native Justin Zaki raised to 115,000 from under the gun. Collins called on his left and Joe Hodge made it 260,000 to go from middle position. Zaki folded and Collins called.

The flop brought the J106 and Collins announced that he was all-in. Hodge called the 1,785,000 bet with the QQ. Collins had flopped a set with his 1010. The turn was the 6 andthe river the 2, giving Collins a full house and the massive pot. He chipped up to over 3.9 million after the hand, while Hodge was left short. He ultimately finished in fifth place.

Collins won another huge pot when during four-handed action. Mike Collins raised to 400,000 from the button and Steve Collins called from the big blind. The flop brought the 1092 and Steve Collins checked. Mike Collins bet 600,000 and Steve Collins called. The turn was the K and Steve Collins checked. Mike Collins announced all-in and Steve Collins called for his last 1,970,000, showing the QJ for a straight. Mike Collins had the 109 for two pair. The river was the 3 and Steve Collins doubled up, leaving Mike Collins as the shortest stack. Collins won the $250 buy-in Seniors event earlier this series, but he fell just short of his second title in this event and was eliminated in fourth place shortly after losing this key hand.

Poker derby manitoba 2018 schedule

Justin Zaki was the next to hit the rail. The four-time World Poker Tour final tablist was definitely the most accomplished live tournament player at the final table. He ran AK into Collins’ KK and failed to come from behind. Zaki took home $21,365 for his deep run, bringing his lifetime live earnings to $2,334,969.


With that Collins took more than a 4-to-1 chip lead into heads-up play against Jose Delacruz. The two battled it out for a while before a preflop cooler brought the event to an end. Collins raised to 360,000 from the button. Delacruz raised all-in and Collins snap-called with the AA.

Delacruz held the 99. The board ran out QQJ104 and Collins’ aces held up to earn him the pot and the title.


Delacruz took home $33,845 as the runner-up finisher. This was his second largest live tournament score, behind his 20th-place showing in a $1,600 buy-in event at the Venetian in Las Vegas this summer for $29,829.

Here is a look at the payouts and POY points awarded at the final table:

PlacePlayerEarnings (USD)POY Points
1 Steve Collins $57,444 408
2 Jose Delacruz $33,845 340
3 Justin Zaki $21,365 272
4 Michael Collins $16,265 204
5 Joe Hodge $13,115 170
6 Carlos Loving $10,075 136
7 Brandon Figueroa $8,250 102
8 James Egan $7,045 68
9 Peter Pompeii $6,330 34
Poker derby manitoba 2018 calendar
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